Expert Home Building Tip: BIBs Insulation

Luxury is as much about comfort as it is about quality. One critical element in making your home comfortable and ensuring you have clean indoor air is insulation. As a green home builder, we use a variety of insulation products for different applications. One such product is Blown in Blanket (BIBs) insulation which helps is an outstanding solution for building better, higher performing homes.

What is BIBs Insulation?

BIBS stands for Blown-In-Blanket insulation - a patented system that blows dry, white fiberglass insulation into cavities in walls, floors, attics & ceilings. Traditional fiberglass batts can leave voids, while BIBs is blown-in behind a webbing which eliminates voids and air gaps. More thorough insulation coverage leads to a higher measure of thermal resistance, known as an R-value. The density and seamless nature of BIBs impedes air exchange between the inside of your home and outside.

Why Chose BIBs Insulation?

  1. Lower Energy Bills BIBs does cost more than standard batt insulation, which is conventionally used in building. However, compared to other high-performance, energy efficient insulations it is similar in price to blown-in cellulose & less expensive than spray foam.
  2. Healthier, More Comfortable Living In addition to keeping your home warmer in winter and cooler in summer, BIBs also dampens sound and it is more resistant to moisture, mold & insects.
  3.  Environmentally Friendly BIBs insulation is often made from recycled materials and is highly efficient, which reduces the overall footprint of your home. And, because it is not chemically treated, BIBs is more environmentally friendly and does not off-gas fumes into your home.

On our YouTube channel, you can find a video of our crews insulating BIBS insulation a custom home being built in Chesterfield, Missouri.


The first step is to enclose the wall or ceiling cavities with a netting stapled in place. The breathable fabric creates an enclosure and holds the blown-in fiberglass in place. Once the netting is secured, a hole is cut in each cavity and the insulation is blown-in. The process is quick, easy and leaves behind little mess.

Want to learn more about the different energy efficient insulation types? listen to Season Six, Episode Two of our podcast, "The Wild & Cozy World of Home Insulation Packages" now...

Energy Efficient Insulation for New Home Construction