Season 1, Episode 6: The Art of Construction

NOTE: Due to dramatic changes in the building industry in 2021, we archived season one and recorded updated episodes with current information. Please enjoy this updated episode from Season 4, recorded on October 12, 2022

This episode was all about the custom home construction process. We sit down with Chris Pedigo, Director of Construction for Hibbs Homes, to learn what it is really like building from a construction document for the first time.

In this episode you'll learn:

    • What construction practices are essential for a well-built home
    • How long it takes to design and build a custom home
    • The steps in the construction process
    • The Hibbs Homes proven approach to detail & craftsmanship
    • The difference between custom and production-built homes
    • How actively you can/should be involved during construction

For more episodes of The Art of Custom, click here.

The Custom Home Construction Process | Art of Custom Podcast