S3, E10: Designing & Building Your Dream Home
The Homeowner Experience: Designing & Building Your Dream Home
All season you've heard from the experts and seen behind the curtain of home building process - step-by-step. We talked about everything from finding land to managing your selections, and now we want you to hear about the process from the other side of the sawhorse!
What is it really like to design and build a home? We asked a few former clients to take you through the ups, downs, and all-arounds of the custom building experience. You'll hear from homeowners who have been through it and learn about some of the common concerns, challenges, and wins that are unique to the custom home building process.
We are excited to wrap up this third season and want to thank our sponsors, again, for making this season of The Art of Custom one of the best yet! We are hard at work on season four already, and will see you again in fall of 2021!

Special Thanks to Our Sponsors...